Top 10 Insane White House Security Features!
Top 10 Insane White House Security Features!
The White House is under heavy guard and surveillance by some top tier military, police, EMS, and special service personnel, all to protect the President at all costs. But wait t’ill you see their incredible security features!
It only takes one arsenic-doused sandwich to send the US government into a tailspin. It only takes one rogue fence-jumper to bring the nation’s most important building into immediate lockdown. That’s why the White House employs the most advanced security systems available.
After World War 2, White House security went up a notch, and as more threats arose over the decades since, the security has only been expanded. The president and his delegates are put on a pedestal, protected at all costs from any conceivable outside threat.
A multi-story doomsday bunker is prepped for immediate action, guard dogs roam the grounds and aren’t afraid to bite, and a hidden missile is system ready to take down any threat – but that’s just the tip of the iceberg.