How Much Is Space Junk Worth? Try $435 Billion Dollars!
How Much Is Space Junk Worth? Try $435 Billion Dollars!
Ever since humanity first ventured into the dark, silent unknowns of our exosphere, we’ve left traces: satellites, space stations, shuttles, and all kinds of debris. Over the years, without any formal regulation to keep our activities at bay, just like LA traffic, space has become awfully congested. And with every forgotten satellite circling our Earth, hundreds of millions of dollars is left abandoned – to the total tune of nearly half a trillion!
Why is that number so high? And more importantly, why should we care? We’re all the way down here, and it’s all the way up there. Well, with companies devising intergalactic travel, perhaps it won’t be that way for much longer…
Space might be the final frontier, but it’s also Earth’s giant garbage can – and becoming a real problem for future space travel.