Top 10 Weirdest Bacteria With Incredible Superpowers!
Top 10 Weirdest Bacteria With Incredible Superpowers!
From bacteria that resist radiation to bacteria that hold the key to defeating the fearless mosquito, here are 10 of the coolest bacteria with incredible superpowers.
10: Bacteria-Filled Sea Blob
There are a lot of strange things floating around in the sea but you probably don’t expect to encounter a giant ball of mucus!! Enormous sheets of mucus blobs in the Mediterranean are spreading, and they are actually dangerous.
9: Electric Bacteria
While being able to generate electricity is not the most popular or sought after superpower, it is still a pretty cool power! Who wouldn’t want to burst light bulbs and shock strangers on the bus like some sort of electric eel? Although, now that I think of it, there would probably be some downsides to having a constant electric charge. Say goodbye to smartphones or video games – you’d fry all the circuits!
8: Body-Snatching Bacteria
You remember invasion of the body snatchers, right? Aliens that come down to Earth and slime their way into the bodies of all us measly humans. Well, there is a very peculiar type of bacteria by the name of photorhabdus luminescens that have a similar trick. Or rather, they have a rather vicious superpower. The bacteria work with a very small worm named a nematode to infect, destroy, and then feast upon poor, unsuspecting insects from the inside out.
7: Radioactive-Resistant Bacteria
There are two popular fictional characters who have a superhuman resistance to radiation. I’m talking of course about the Incredible Hulk and Godzilla. And while this superhuman power isn’t as glamorous as super strength or laser eyes, it is certainly handy in the eventuality of a nuclear fallout. Who will be left at the end of the world? Cockroaches and Godzilla. Oh yeah, and some incredible bacteria named deinococcus radiodurans.
6: Symbiotic Luminescent Bacteria
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of a symbiote or a symbiotic relationship? Is it Venom and Eddy Brock, the Symbiote from space that turned the mild-mannered reporter into Spiderman’s arch nemesis? No? Just Me? Or did you think about the relationship between the Hawaiian bobtail squid and the bacteria known as vibrio fischeri?
5: The Magnet Bacteria
There are some very amazing bacteria out there in the world that can actually detect the Earth’s magnetic field. Sounds pretty useless, right? Imagine always knowing which way is north. Doesn’t seem so great. But it’s actually amazing!! All kinds of animals are aware of it all the time! And sometimes even us, although we don’t even realize it.. It works well for the magnetotactic bacteria since they use their power to locate food.
4: Superglue Bacteria
Let me introduce you to the bacteria called caulobacter crescentus. This is undoubtedly the strongest, most resilient, and most super-sticky bacteria! In the animal kingdom, geckos have a notorious reputation as being the stickiest, but in the microbial world C. crescentus rules supreme.
3: Supersized Bacteria
Gigantism is one heck of a superpower. Personally, I’m not sure that I would have much fun growing 10 times my original size. It would be crazy, squishing people by accident, falling onto people’s houses, wreaking all kinds of havoc, It’s definitely not a superpower for me.
2: Spaceman Bacteria
This is a superpower mankind is in desperate need of if we want to colonize space. How about being able to survive the harsh, no oxygen, no sound, lifeless vacuum of the dark and frozen wasteland we call the universe? I’d say that’s a pretty good superpower for any organism. And guess what, it’s real.
1: Disease-Preventing Bacteria
There are a lot of bacteria used to help heal the world. There are also a lot of bacteria that are set on destroying the world. Just think of antibiotics, which are chemical solutions designed to either kill or stop the spread of harmful bacteria inside your body. Yet at the same time you have natural bacteria within you that fight off diseases and sickness.