Why NO Aquarium In The WORLD Has A Great White Shark?
Why NO Aquarium In The WORLD Has A Great White Shark?
Great white sharks are the some of the scariest sea monsters in the ocean, a creature that no aquarium in the world will ever have. This is why these Megalodon descendants will never be held in captivity.
Ask any kid what their favorite sea creature is, and you can almost always bet it’s going to be the massive and beautiful Great White Shark. The animals capture the imagination, with their not only intimidating stature and glossy eyes stares, but their impressive stature and of course their place in pop culture. Of course, we all know what is to blame for sharks becoming the top of the food chain when it comes to scary denizens of the deep, and that would be 1975’s JAWS, which was directed by a young Steven Speilberg.
His massive hit swept not only the nation, but the entire globe, and became the first summer blockbuster, all the while solidifying sharks in the lexicon of pop culture. But with how popular these incredible animals are, why don’t aquariums across the globe capitalize on the interest? Wouldn’t a Great White exhibit be immensely popular, and make an insane amount of money?
What is going on here? Why aren’t there any Great White Sharks at aquariums? We got your answers right here in today’s video. We are talking not only about the science behind why keeping a shark behind glass isn’t sustainable, but the incredible costs it would take to build such a facility.
And here’s the thing– even with all the money in the world, and no matter how state of the art the tank is, there’s still a very good chance it wouldn’t work.